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Product FIlter

Self Checkout System

Now with ability to run on 4690 operating system the Self Checkout System 6 can speed checkout, optimize floor space, improve cash management and security, and offer real investment protection with new enterprise BOSS capabilities that centralize functions at the enterprise level.


  • Unique, modular platform with separate scanning, payment and bagging units.
  • Award-winning design- based on human factors research – minimizes shopper effort while maximizing checkout throughput.
  • Innovative solution helps speed up the checkout process, optimize floor space, improve cash management, and offer real investment protection.
  • Powered by Toshiba’s sophisticated and proven CHEC software – now enhanced with more than 20 new features that make self-checkout faster, easier, and more personalized than ever before.
  • Leverages Toshiba’s support and services capabilities and proven best practices.